Uniformed Groups
All activities are held in the Kingswood Halls, Kingswood Place.
Brownies & Guides - 3rd Lee north
Monday - Brownies 6.30pm, Guides 7.15pm
Jane Verity (Brownies) 020 8297 1672
Sandra Andrews (Guides) 020 8468 7903
Beavers, Cubs & Scouts - 12th Lewisham North
Thursday - Beavers 5.15pm, Cubs 6.30pm & Scouts 8.00pm
Maria Clifford – Co Group Scout Leader – maria@12thlewishamnorthscoutgroup.org.uk
Dan Noakes – Co Group Scout Leader – dan@12thlewishamnorthscoutgroup.org.uk
KINGSWOOD HALLS, Kingswood Place, Dacre Park, London, SE13 5BU
By car: Car park on site
By train: Blackheath or Lewisham mainline stations
By bus: Buses along Lee Terrace 54, 89, and 108 and along Lee High Road 122, 178, 261 and 321